Wednesday, July 27, 2016

MAADA!! What's the future now??? 14


Maada Bio Is Bad News for SLPP and S/Leone

By Ranger 
 {Courtesy form another Post 27/7/16}

In response to a post which attempted to paint Julius Maada Bio as a saint and the most popular candidate for the SLPP and for the people in Sierra Leone, it is crystal clear that Maada Bio can never ever claim innocence when history is delved into.

In the first place, it is only the most ignorant person who would agree that Maada Bio is not a traitor. Everyone who was old enough to know at the time knows that Maada Bio betrayed his boss Capt. Valentine Strasser after convincing the other members of the NPRC to stage a palace coup against Capt. Strasser. Maada Bio's reason at the time was because Strasser was too ambitious and was planning to hang on to power.

However, everyone knows that Strasser was never the man Maada Bio portrayed him to be because Maada Bio's current pa-o-pa behavior for the SLPP to accept him at all cost and make him their next flag bearer is an indication that Maada Bio is not only a violent man but that he has no good intention to display anywhere.

For Blama's Finest aka London Jet to write ‘The Truth is not our Enemy' in which he makes a fine attempt to paint Maada Bio as a saint is a misnomer. To say Maada Bio demonstrated his concern by putting the lives of his wife and daughter at risk apart from his own life, shows how callous and desperate he is to lead the SLPP. 

The statement that the APC sent a paramilitary wing to terrorize the SLPP is not only a misleading statement but a deliberate attempt to confuse the issues and make the RSLAF look like they are partisan when all they are doing is their professional and patriotic duty. 

Perhaps Blama's Finest aka London Jet would like the situation to degenerate to chaos and anarchy whenever the SLPP have a public meeting and the security forces should stand by and allow them to kill each other? No, this can never be allowed to happen because the APC and RSLAF are more intelligent than that.

Talking about Yumkella in your post, it is clear to see that Maada Bio can never light a candle to Yumkella, not even when Maada Bio would have completed his so-called doctorate degree in a London university. In the first place, Yumkella is a gentleman which Maada Bio never was and never can be. Maada Bio can never be as respected and dynamic as well as loved by the people the way Yumkella is loved and accepted by the SLPP. 
Yumkella is free to travel to the USA anytime he wants and the US Embassy would grant him a visa. But Maada Bio would never dare to step his foot on American soil without risking arrest after he beat up a woman said to be his actual wife. Between the two men who is violent and who is a gentleman?

Before laying this matter to rest, it is necessary to state that the APC under President Ernest Bai Koroma  is the best thing that ever happened to Sierra Leone.

Finally, against this background, it is worth mentioning the fact that even all the members in the SLPP aspirants Alliance are of far better presidential material than Maada Bio can ever hope to be.


The truth is not our enemy.....

Julius Maada Bio cannot be ignored!

Julius Maada Bio is the single most popular individual in the entire SLPP.

When Julius Maada Bio turns up, the earth shakes, things happen and the impossible becomes possible.

Kailahun was and is a very good example of why Julius Maada Bio has such huge mass appeal, adoration and affection from the hardworking men and women across the country.

In Kailahun, when they needed support and the physical presence of the so-called SLPP Big Chiefs only Julius Maada Bio was willing to put not only his life at risk, but his wife and precious beautiful baby daughter.

For Julius Maada Bio understands what matters most to our people:

You can throw money at us...

You can boast about your CV...

You can even impress us with your fancy autographs with world leaders....

But our eyes are wide open.
We can see through the empty rhetoric and contempt you have for us.

If we are not important enough for you to stand with us in our hour of need. When the APC Political Mafia sends its paramilitary wing aka the Sierra Leone Army to terrorise us....then it is clear for all to see that we don't matter to you.
We are not worthy of your time, and yet you claim to be our saviours??

God help us!
If the ALLIANCE of dreamers is the answer, then I fear the question.

Julius Maada Bio stood up to be counted, ready to take a bullet for us. Putting his wife and precious beautiful baby daughter at risk...

Where was the ALLIANCE of dreamers when Kailahun needed your presence and inspiration?

I guess we all know the answer:

Absent Without Leave (AWOL)

And this is the ALLIANCE of Cowards that can deliver us from APC terrorism?

Please folks, our lives should not be treated as a joke served up to assuage Yumkella's ego....

People call for unity and an end to the Blame game....

I agree!!!

Unity starts with HONESTY and a SHARED COMMON PURPOSE.

Honesty should mean and end to the stupid myth that the ALLIANCE of dreamers can deliver the North....

Honesty should mean an acceptance of Julius Maada Bio's statesmanship, courage and humility.

And a SHARED COMMON PURPOSE should mean that we all rally around our party's Biggest asset (Julius Maada Bio) and work tirelessly to end APC terrorism.

The truth is not my enemy, don't make it yours. Look in the mirror, swallow hard and join with us to end the suffering of all our people across our beautiful Sierra Leone.s

Blama's Finest,
The Man Who Conjures Something Out Of Nothing!!!

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